An Indigenous Persons Guide to NYC

Today there are over 45,800 Native Americans in New York City. Not only is that more than any other major U.S. city but there has been a 53% increase from just 10 years prior. One of the people in the 53% was me. I moved to NYC 3 years ago. When I first arrived, I knew no other Indigenous people in the city. It wasn’t until 8 months later when I first met photographer Ben Rybisky, that I knew another person who shared my background. But meeting him opened up this whole side of New York I had never seen. As this was happening, organizations that had been dormant during the pandemic or ones that were born in a quarantine pipedream began opening up their doors to harbor and cultivate the Indigenous community in the city once more. This guide shows all of the Indigenous history, resources, organizations, and community members that make up New York City. I hope it helps you find community and a sense of belonging within this concrete jungle. Scroll down to see resources and interviews